Monday, May 13, 2019

ShareGate Migration using Powershell

#-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ShareGate needs to be activated in the server where we wre running this script. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( (Get-PSSnapin "Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -eq $null) { Add-PSSnapin "Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell" } Import-Module sharegate if ($Host.Name -eq "Windows PowerShell ISE Host") { $ISE=$true } else { $ISE=$false } if (-Not $ISE) { $currentLocation = (Get-Location).Path $logfile = $currentLocation + "\" + "LogFileNew_$(get-date -format `"yyyyMMdd_hhmmsstt`").csv" Start-Transcript -Path $logfile } $startTime = Get-Date Write-Host "Script started at :" $startTime $csvFile = ".\Copy-Site.csv" $farmAccount = "SHAREPOINT\system" $counter = $null $sites = Import-Csv $csvFile $copysettings = New-CopySettings -OnContentItemExists IncrementalUpdate foreach ($site in $sites) { $fileName = ".\Copy-SiteMigrationLogReport_" + $site.SNAME.Trim() + ".xlsx" $copyGroupFile = ".\Copy-GroupLogReport_" + $site.SNAME.Trim() + ".xlsx" try { #$mappingSettings = New-MappingSettings $srcSite = Connect-Site -Url $site.Source.Trim() Write-Host "Source Site : "$srcSite -ForegroundColor Yellow $dstSite = Connect-Site -Url $site.Destination.Trim() Write-Host "Destination Site : " $dstSite -ForegroundColor Green $mappingSettings = Get-UserAndGroupMapping -SourceSite $srcSite -DestinationSite $dstSite $mappingSettings = Set-UserAndGroupMapping -MappingSettings $mappingSettings -UnresolvedUserOrGroup -Destination $farmAccount $copyGroupResults = Copy-Group -All -SourceSite $srcSite -DestinationSite $dstSite -CopySettings $copysettings -MappingSettings $mappingSettings Export-Report $copyGroupResults -Path $copyGroupFile -Overwrite $result = Copy-Site -Site $srcSite -DestinationSite $dstSite -Merge -CopySettings $copysettings -InsaneMode -MappingSettings $mappingSettings Export-Report $result -Path $fileName -Overwrite $siteCompTime = Get-Date Write-Host "Site" $site.Source.Trim() " Migration Completed by :" $siteCompTime -ForegroundColor Green } catch { Write-Host $_.Exception.Message -ForegroundColor Red } } $endTime = Get-Date $totaltime=$endTime-$startTime write-host -foregroundcolor Cyan "Total time taken for Script execution :"$totaltime write-host -foregroundcolor Green "You are done!!! Sites Migration Completed at: " $endTime if (-Not $ISE) { Stop-Transcript }